Anna Baird




Anna Baird
T 0208 092 8411


Anna Baird is a Chartered Accountant and Certified Fraud Examiner. She assists clients with financial and accounting investigations, damages calculations, proceeds of crime assessments, valuations and other financial or accounting issues that arise in the course of an investigation or dispute.

Anna has spent over ten years working for international consulting firms in their forensic investigations and disputes teams. She has carried out forensic reviews on behalf of individuals, investors, government agencies and corporate clients in a variety of industries and has provided accounting and valuation expert witness services for litigation in the UK and Scottish Courts and for arbitrations under LCIA, UNCITRAL, ICC, ICSID and SCC rules.

Prior to specialising in forensic accounting, she spent four years as a general practice accountant and auditor in a top twenty UK accounting services firm. Her experience also includes a secondment as a forensic accountant investigator in the UK Serious Fraud Office’s Bribery and Corruption division.

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